Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Rockin all over the league

Yes, like those three-chord legends of the 1980s, the status quo has been very much the order of the GKL of late. The top seven and bottom eight places remained unchanged in the latest round of games giving a slightly stagnant feel to proceedings.

However, do not be fooled into thinking things are dull. The top of the table tussle between Reilly and the Ramrod is a matter of just four points. Mutu's Avengers are lurking in the wings and Colin Moffat, Kenny Ross and Brian Reilly are also grouped within ten points in the fight for the last Champions League slot. (My money's on Reilly, never bet against him when he is ferociously chasing his elder brother).

A good run could quite easily put Tiger Nation, the Lockerbie Leg Ends or, incredibly, FC Tardis, in with a shout of a top four finish too. Although this last side might yet be dragged into what I have just recently decided to call the TOP TEN DOGFIGHT.

Main protagonist at present is Carlo "Ancelotti" Rinaldi. His terrier-like refusal to give up the ghost has put his Doonhamers into 10th spot at present. By a single point he has ousted Lachlan "Lampard" Eggo. However, we expect a two-footed lunge a la Alonso soon from the young Chelsea follower.

Hot on their heels is the old Salty one himself, Colin Colthart. He has promised fans at his home stadium, the Salt Cellar, they will get into the top 10. Remember, however, this is also a man who predicted Sunderland for Europe last year and Hull for the Champions League this season. He will have to watch his back for the challenge of the likes of Seraf Ingardia and Clive Lindsay.

Our own battle of the heavyweights - Eggo versus Archibald - is currently going in the former Standard man's favour. However, they risk being caught by another "big man" Stefano Rinaldi. Stuck in the middle of this clash of the Titans is the slender Willie Johnston and the equally petite Tommy Reilly. Heaven help them.

Finally, the decline of Ethan Colthart continues although he seems blissfully unaware. He still appears to think he is top of the league even though, at this rate, that will soon only be true if he turns the table upside down. It can only be a matter of time before Kevin Sharp, Elia Davidson, Jim Gordon, Siofra Eggo and anyone else who never looks at their team overtakes him.

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